Thursday, February 11, 2010

The truth about myself.

I was going through some pictures of Christmas, and I came across these pictures of us playing the Wii. Here are a series of pictures that you must view in order to appreciate the humor! A picture's worth a 1000 words, or at the very least a few laughs.

1) My two little guys playing (very seriously)

2) Look at the Joy on their faces... They are having a blast!

3) That looks like fun, maybe I'll join in!

 4) Jason WINS!!!! Terri Loses!

5) Terri gets revenge!!! (sorry I didn't know I was so evil... wait yes, I did)

Well, what can I say.  I'm not proud, but at least it was captured in pictues. Yes, this is the exact sequence of pictures.


Mattamorphasis said...

Awesome! Train them young that no one messes with mom.

Grandma Lil said...

Awesome Pics, Terri. The boys are so intense!!! and so is their mom. And yes a picture (or many) is worth a thousand words.

Sally said...

Very funny! I love that you are "evil"

Emily said...

I love the intensity in Ian's face! And you have always been evil...