Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Wow, I'm impressed that you even opened the webpage, with a title like garage, you must be board.
Matt has been organizing the 3rd car part of our garage, here is a little of his handy work.  I really like my fancy bike station, who doesn't love an organized garage.  I think he has dreams of a big toolbox and a workbench at the back, but for now it's just nice and clean.  He's quite handy... for a physicist.


Julie Markham said...

Being able to park your car in the garage says something.

Carrie said...

Yep, I was bored. I'd like to see a post in 6 months to see if it's still that tidy and organized. Although knowing you two it probably will be. :) Does he hire out?

Kelli said...

I wish my garage looked like THAT! Then maybe we could actually fit two cars in our two car garage!