Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's great to be 8

8 years ago, when I was getting preped for a c-section, my Dr. mentioned that my baby would be a thanksgiving baby.  Last year was the year that Jason's birthday actually fell on Thanksgiving, but since his birth, he has always either had visitors (grandparents and cousins), come for his "birthday" (thanksgiving) or we have traveled to see family over his birthday.  Which leads to one of the most spoiled little boys I know!  Sure he's never had a typical birthday party with friends, but why.. when, you've got family to spoil you.

We knew we would have a huge gathering of family if we traveled to NM for thanksgiving, so off we went... Cat and all!  There are more Turkey day pictures and other festivities, but I'll post them later.

For his Birthday Jason went shooting for the first time, with his Grandpa Frank, Uncle Matt, and Daddy and Sophie.  My understanding was that he was a natural (well, he is if he's anything like his mother!)  Ian got to go on a hike with the Cannon/Jardine crew, and he had a blast.  I was running (wow, that sounds like tons of fun!) Anyway, I made it back in time to rush to make Jason's birthday cake. It wasn't my best cake, but he liked it, and my dad said my frosting was good! 

Jason had a party with his cousins

 We loaded the kids up on sugar, played games, opened presents, and had overall merryment.
Thanks to Uncle Matt they played pin the triforce on the shield, from the looks on the kids faces, it was a hit!

 Parties are fun, so is family, but the really special gift was his baptism and confirmation. It doesn't show up in pictures, but he was grinning from ear to ear. Jason was so excited to be baptized! He was so happy to have so much of his family there. Some of the highlights were the great talks by Grandma Joani, and Aunt Becky, the musical number by Matt, and the song that Jason's cousins sang! I try not to get to "churchy" on my blog, but forgive me for this one second to say that the spirit was strong during his program. I cried like a baby! I am so proud of Jason, and his good choices, for having a desire to have Heavenly Father and Jesus in his life. He's strong, and has such a great and beautiful Testimony of the Church and his savior. 8 years ago he was a tiny little baby, and now, he's a tiny little boy, I thought that I would teach him so much, but Heavenly Father knows us so well, because Jason teaches me each day. Sigh... has it really been 8 years?


Kelly said...

ok, I cried. I am going to be an emotional wreck come April when Aurora is baptized! Congrats to Jason and you're family! It looks like you guys had a blast in NM! Hope you guys are doing well!!!!

Sally said...

It's SO emotional when your first child gets baptized! (and every other child!)

I can't tell you how sad I was not to be there! He looks so cute and grown up!

Congrats Jason!!!

Cannon Clan said...

so great to have you here, we miss you guys already.

Julie Markham said...

Four more years -- and then another big event!

Jardinefamily said...

I loved, loved, loved being able to share his baptism with you guys. Party was so fun to. Terri, put lots of Thanksgiving pictures on your camera is gonzo and I am going to use yours:)

Grandma Lil said...

Grandma Lil was pretty emotional,too...and I don't even belong to your church. But he is my amazing grandson. I am very proud of you Jason.