Yesterday (Sunday) Matt was busy with a meeting and I needed to entertain the boys without letting them go downstairs or be too loud. We were playing with a puppet that was out of a quiet book, and Ian asked where his puppet was. Since we only had one puppet I decided that sure enough, he did need a puppet too. So I rolled up my sleeves and decided to make one for him. I had the boys pick out the colors and I used my sewing knowledge to make a replica of Jason's puppet. I was quite pleased with the outcome; I thought he was just so cute. So among my limited talent list we can add "felt puppet maker" to it :) We had so much fun with our two puppets they even made there appearance in our Family home evening lesson. I guess puppets like to obey the Word of Wisdom too!
And In case you were wondering, the one I made is the green one with the button eyes.
So how do you know when you are playing to many video games?
When your 5 year old starts draw them, with extreme detail! Here is Jason's Drawing of Link and Princess Zelda. For all our friends that enjoy any Zelda games please note that Link has his sword, shield, bombs, his bow and arrow, his map and compass! Oh, and I love their little pointy ears... it's just like in the game.
Jeff (Matt's co-worker) invited us over to experience our first crawfish boil. It's a right of passage for anyone living on the gulf coast! Let me run down the procedure for cooking crawfish. The crawfish are alive and crawling around in a huge cooler. The little guys are then placed into seasoned boiling water to cook. While they cooked we enjoyed watching the boys play football and visiting. After a short time they are pulled out of their very hot bath and placed into another cooler where they are heavily seasoned. When a few batches are completed they are laid out on a table. And it's time to eat, but you have to de-head and peel each little guy. Don't worry; it's not as cruel as getting boiled alive. The peeling process is actually kind of fun. And they are really good. I quickly got over my fear of eating things that were alive just a few moments ago, and even more impressive, I got over my fear of eating things that look like what they are. We had a blast and the whole process was completely fascinating to me. We can't wait to do it again! The Living Crawfish Football Ian
Okay, so by popular demand...(Matt) I have turned off my auto play feature for my music. So if you want music, press play on the player located at the bottom of my blog. Enjoy... but only if you want!
On a related note, Ian is singing "where is pumpkin" (where is thumbkin) so cute.
Time for this year's playgroup Easter Egg Hunt! What fun, check out how cute my boys are filling their baskets. And look Ian is still sporting his lovely goose egg for the occasion! HAPPY EARLY EASTER!
So, let me tell you a little bit about Ian, he occasionally falls down. No that's not accurate; he falls down all the time. A common phrase in our house would be "Hey Ian watch out for that... (Fill in the blank). One might think that my son is a sort of daredevil, but this isn't the case, he's just uncoordinated and unobservant (I wonder where he gets that from?)
Saturday was Matt's 29th birthday!!!It was the day of Matt, we did Matt's favorite things. Going to Mercer (to enjoy the warm weather and the beautiful flowers) It's hard not to like this time of year here. Since Matt is solar powered this should keep him alive till his next birthday... when he will be 30 and really OLD. We also did a some fun birthday shopping, Jamba Juice and best of all he had a date with his fabulous wife (which I hear was his favorite part!)Here are some pictures of our weather... Ha ha ha JEALOUS?