Thursday, August 6, 2009

Things & Stuff

Matt was giving me a little trouble about how long it's been since I updated the blog. But sometimes there's nothing interesting or exciting to blog about. Our days have been pretty much the same, they go something like this: go to gym, run errands, play, play and play. I often try to play with the boys, but they get so irritated with me (and sometimes the other way around). I let them play (and they are so good and happy and cute) and I have found I have tons of free time for myself...and yet I accomplish so little. Sometimes I start to feel bad about not interacting with them more (these years go by so quickly), but I've found I really enjoy watching them play, listening to them, watching to see what games they come up with, seeing all the things they create, hearing the songs they sing and hearing their laughter. It's fun to just observe and see who they are, without me influencing what they do or how they act or what they should play with. Gosh they are getting so big, I actually feel a little sad thinking about how quickly they grow up (and this was supposed to be a silly blog). Okay back on track... let the silliness resume!!!

Pictures of Fun Faces!

Upside Down Faces:

Crazy Face:

I'm impressed at how much Jason can look like a goat, and I like how Ian's crazy face makes him look like a gangster (who knows maybe these pictures reveal more about who they are)

Fish Faces:

The cutest fish this side of the gulf coast!

Angry Faces:
Jason's angry face is something I seem to be seeing a lot lately, and Ian is just a happy kid, he's not even capable of performing an angry face without smiling.
Blue & Brown:
I am still amazed at how different my boys' eye color is. Jason with his beautiful and surprising blue eyes, and Ian with his warm brown eyes (I can't ever seem to capture their beauty in pictures, but I love them so much)
How Terri uses her free time:
Don't bother me when I'm at my computer. Hey, who told you you could come in without knocking?!


Sally said...

I love all their faces! They are totally cute boys! I can't believe how fast they grow. I am scanning my negatives from 1999-2001 and it feels like yesterday...but Savannah will be dating/driving in 5 years! What?! No! I want to stop time!

The pics of you are awesome! I laugh because Sydney says to me, "Why are you always on your blog? You like the blog more than us!" Such drama! :) (the blog doesn't talk back!)

Beth said...

Ian's crazy face is what many of my "tough" students do in all their pictures. :) I love it!

Grandma Lil said...

Such beautiful faces...and those eyes. Swimming in a pool of blue or diving into the murky brown. I think my favorite is Jason's upside down face and my special favorite is Ian's tough guy face. What a thug!!!

Kelli said...

They are so funny! Course how could they not be funny-you two are their parents after all...My favorite is Jason's goat face (hee hee) and Ian's fish face, so cute...