Sunday, March 14, 2010


It's time for the nerdiest holiday of the year!!! Pi day : March 14th or 3-14.  In true dorky fation we pulled out all the stops, slaving over a pie for pi day (not really I got it from the target bakery) making homemade ice cream (no, not really) making sure we figured out the area of the pie using pi (again, I'm making all of this up - but who want's to bet that Matt will view that as a challenge and figure it out after he reads this blog.) I think Jason even understood (a little) why we were celebrating, he was fasinated that pi never ends and I think he'll rember that pi starts out with 3.14 (159265358979 - that's as far as I can go - Pretty dorky, even for me!)
Ian just liked having pie and ice cream!
Somehow Matt ended up with everyone's leftovers... he had an irrationial amount of pi (sorry bad math pun).  Why are there no pictures of me? - I'm not feeling good and haven't gotten out of my PJ's therefore pictures are forbidden under penalty of death. On that happy note... Happy Pi day to all!


Mattamorphasis said...

Irrational amounts of pie... you're funny, honey. I'm also pround that you so many digits of pi. (Oh, and the area of the pie is pi*radius^2, so with a 6in diameter, that's about 28 sq. in.)

Chelsea said...

Ha ha ha, you're so dorky!! (I may or may not have had a chocolate pudding pie today....)

Sally said...

LOL! LOVE your blog!

Unknown said...

I didn't know about Pi day I guess I can celebrate next year. We had fun entertaining Matt in Boston for a day we would be really excited to have more family out here!

Grandma Lil said...

I served store bought lemon meringue pie, does that count?

Bapa said...

And you posted 3 pictures, which is as close to pi as you can get using whole pictures.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we celebrate "e" day? We could make up something to eat for that day.

Mattamorphasis said...

Maybe because there's no February 72?