Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Exciting Solution!

I know you have all been staying up late into the night, unable to sleep until you've figured out just how much force is provided by the electrostatic attraction between Jason's hair and the helium balloon. Well, the wait is finally over! I've hijacked Terri's blog to provide you all with the gripping solution! (And, yes, I do realize that I am a complete nerd for not only taking the time to figure this out, but to actually type it up and post it.)


Cannon Clan said...

i love it, you just made my day :)

Julie Markham said...

Terri, welcome to my life.

Sally said...

That's awesome! I don't know what it says but it looks awesome!

Kelli said...

Oh! It makes total sense now! Uh huh sure it does! So I knew you were a genius I just didn't know you were a freakin' genius! Thanks for figuring that out though, finally I'll have a good nights rest!

Jana said...

Please tell me you had to look up those values and they aren't just floating around in your head somewhere. I can't even remember my drivers license number.

Mattamorphasis said...

Jana, you can actually just calculate the densities using their atomic mass and the ideal gas law. So, it's not much to remember. However, I do remember my drivers license number.

Ben said...

Matt--it appears you have not adjusted the buoyant force for the pressure inside the balloon. This could easily reduce the required Coulomb force by 0.01-0,02 Newtons to hold the equilibrium.
Uncle Ben

Mattamorphasis said...

Ben, I thought the buoyant force only depends on the volume of the displaced atmosphere, not on what displaced it. However, it's true that I didn't account for the mass of the balloon itself, so the Coulomb force is probably a bit less than what I posted.

Terri said...

You're all nuts!

Julie Markham said...

Let's not encourage them, Terri...

Bapa said...

Are those fig newtons?

Grandma Lil said...

And by the way, you must have way too much time on your hands MATTAMORPHASIS!!!

Jardinefamily said...

I agree Lil, if Matt is sitting around figuring this out, does this mean he is done and finally ready to graduate already????

Jardinefamily said...

PS-James and I love Big Bang Theory. I have told people it reminds me of so many of my family members....now I have conversation to show it :) LOL