It's a good thing their cute, because they aren't any good! Here are my funny boys playing baseball. You know you're not very good when you're playing with a ball bigger then your head and you still miss. Jason closed his eyes half the time, and judging by the pictures has the wrong foot up and his body is angled the wrong way. Ian got the stance down, but I think he wanted to kill the ball not just hit it. I was surprised at the rage he had. I probably pitched 100 balls and Jason hit 1 of them, Ian hit none. Oh, well looks like they're not going to be professional ball players. I better get them started on physics homework.
As a father, I'm obvisouly ashamed to have such uncoordinated boys. I really should start playing soccer with them or something. I'd rather have them be good at music and science, though.
Like Ian, Danny gets a bit of rage when he's trying to hit. We'll have to have them over for a game with Danny's t-ball set soon.
I love Ian's look of determination. Send them to visit with Uncle Matt for a week and he'll have them playing in no time.
It doesn't matter if you win or lose,its how you play the game. And the name of the game was having fun, and it looks like they did have fun and they look so cute doing it, who cares if you hit a ball.
I just want to grab those adorable boys and hug them!
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