Friday, April 1, 2011

Oh, that's what exciting is like... I think i'd like boring back.

So my last post was about nothing special, in fact you could say it was a little boring. Just a note to the blogger, don't ask for excitement because it might not all be good or expected.  Over the past couple of weeks life has been far from boring. I have pictures and a full update coming, but for now, I just need to catch my breath, be grateful for all I have, and learn to love the boring things in life.

Here is a quick summary of the past couple weeks.
Week 1: Ian stays home from school for a whole week with the flu, 104+ fevers, lots of TLC and and a little stress.

Week 2: Spring Break! Grandma Joani and Bapa come for a visit, yeah! We had two fun days of enjoying TX weather and some sights, then Grandma Joani got about excitement. Life kinda changed for a week.  We couldn't have been happier about the extended vacation, but the means were rough. We are truly thankful for the Houston Health Care system, good hospitals, supportive families, and many prayers. The week had some fun too: Pi day, Matt's Birthday, Magic Tricks, and bingo, were all mixed in with hospitals and medication (stay tuned for photos!)

Week 3: We got Bapa and Joani home safely and caught up on laundry for round 2 of visitors. Grandma Lil and Grandpa Frank stopped by for some much needed fun and a little R&R.  Matt ran a Half Marathon, and did great (he didn't even seem tired). Then we took my dad to the ER (yikes talk about worrying about round two!), but he was okay after some Rx's!  We are starting to think that family is just visiting us for Houston's health care system.  All our guests have left and we are settling back into boring mode (and I couldn't be happier).   Now I just need to get my head around my race on Sunday, should be fun...


Julie Markham said...

I'll thing twice before coming to visit you!

Bapa said...


Sally said...

Oh Terri, I love how you write!