Yesterday at school Jason learned all about Martin Luther King Jr. They talked his dream and then asked the children to write their dream for the world. Jasons' was so sweet I had to share it. Here is what his dream is: "So Everybody could not hit."
On another note, he was really excited about our new President Barack Obama (I think he just likes saying the name, because he mentioned it all afternoon) He also told me he thinks President Bush is funny, because he's made of bushes! There was a bit of confusion on who was shot... it took me a while to realize that going over the new president and MLK in one day could be a little confusing for a kindergartner!
He's precious!
I wish for everybody not to hit, too. What a precious boy. Tell Jason I like saying Barack Obama, too. Barack Obama...Barack Obama. Barack Obama...Barack Obama...
You know if George Bush is made of bushes that could explain a lot.
That is so cute. Sophie came home on Thurs of last week and told me wide eyed, "Mom did you know that Baracko Bama (that is how she pronounces his name) is the first black president of America?" This is because she has no reason to suspect there has not been. I love how precious and innocent they are.
Sam loves to say Barack Obama's name too. he thinks it is so funny and calls him barack obamy.... what a weirdo. He kept asking me who he was. I guess he's heard the name a lot. Now he knows he is president. Now he is wondering what is a president.
Okay, so I looked at Nya's same paper wish from Mrs. Sullivan's class and she's not quite as philosophical as Jason. She wished for all the kids to have all the toys that they want. Can you say Material Girl?
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