Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Right Now tag

RIGHT NOW tag... This one is fun because it is spontaneous, not rehearsed, and real! I love real! So here goes, a splice of my life right now! Take a picture (NO cleaning up first!) of 1-laundry room, 2-kitchen sink, 3-open fridge, 4-a toilet, 5-favorite place in the house, 6-your bedroom, 7-what your kids are doing right now, 8-your closet, 9-favorite shoes, 10-self portrait

Small Laundry Room, My dirty sink, & Messy Fridge

The Boys Bathroom, My favorite place... My Room! (computer & Sewing room)

My Bedroom, Kids are watching Krull, My closet the bottom half!

My favorite shoes (my mom calls them whore shoes!) & Me!


Sally said...

Terri! YOUR house is immaculate! True OCD at work, you can tell by your closet! Perfect! Thanks for playing. Love the shoes! I could never pull that off! I"m assuming you are listening to your ipod in the picture? So cute!

Loaf said...

Hey, I love the whore shoes. Funny how that sounds like horse shoes

Grandma Lil said...

Reed, you are funny!!! I would actually do that, but as Matt pointed out, I still have a lot to learn....schmuck!!!!

Emily said...

Love that you guys are using the water bottles...also beautiful pict above your bed. Hey where'd you get that neat spider bubble blower? And FYI I believe mom called them Hooker shoes, not whore shoes. Applause on the OCD action at work...

Mindy and Benjamin said...

This is a fun idea...but I really just could bring myself to do it...the status of my home right now is just too embarrassing. I should have read your blog tomorrow...cause today is my cleaning up day. I know, that's cheating.

Chelsea said...

Hi Terri!
What a pretty house, lovely family, and cute you! I hope you don't mind me popping over here to read your blog. I clicked over from Jen Russell's, and I'm so impressed that you blog like every day! Someday I'll be that cool!

Blogger said...

Awww, your shoes are cute!!! :) Fun tag! Just found your blog today :)