Friday, July 4, 2008

You just don't get it... till you have lived here.

Okay, I have always lived in states that like to catch on FIRE, making the 4th of July a little risky. In a few places smoke bombs were even outlawed!!! Looks like glow worms and Snakes for me (does that take you back, em?) Since we moved to Houston it's an entirely different thing. Here the 4th starts as soon as the firework stands open (sometime in June) and you have displays every night leading up to the 4th. There is never really a need here to go to fireworks shows because you can watch them from any window in your house, and they aren't the dinky ones that you get off the reservation, they are the kind that you get for the stadium shows. I love fireworks, so it's great for me but there is a drawback you don't know where to look because you have a show happening all around you. You'll turn to see one and just miss it, and then miss the one you were waiting for. Fireworks last all night, literally, there is no use trying to go to bed on the 4th, you'll just get woken up by loud and Bright fireworks right outside your window. I am sure my fellow Spring & Houston friends will agree with me, it's really a different way of experiencing Fireworks. Here are a few pictures I took tonight, they're not great, but you get the picture (BIG FIREWORKS, VERY CLOSE)!
It's almost midnight and the fireworks are still going strong.

Can you see our House? This round of fireworks were set off in the alley behind our garage. You can get a feel for how big they are too.


Sally said...

Wow!! Very patriotic! "the stars at night..."

I love fireworks! Happy 4th!

Kelly said...

you took an awesome picture! I still can't believe how many fireworks you're allowed to let off in Spring. I'm like you, I was never allowed to set off fireworks growing up, all except sparklers..YEAH...Too bad we missed the awesome pancake breakfast! Sounds like it was a lot of fun!!

Emily said...

What a foreign land you live in. We only had poppers.

Carrie said...

I love, love, love the last shot you posted! That is such a good one. It's true. Fireworks around here are fantastic! Plenty of huge ones that fly in the air with no concern for starting forest fires. Everything's bigger in Texas.